samplerate.lowlevel – Lowlevel wrappers around libsamplerate

Lowlevel wrappers around libsamplerate.

The docstrings of the src_* functions are adapted from the libsamplerate header file.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_callback_new(callback, converter_type, channels)[source]

Initialisation for the callback based API.

  • callback (function) – Called whenever new frames are to be read. Must return a NumPy array of shape (num_frames, channels).
  • converter_type (int) – Converter to be used.
  • channels (int) – Number of channels.

  • state – An anonymous pointer to the internal state of the converter.
  • handle – A CFFI handle to the callback data.
  • error (int) – Error code.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_callback_read(state, ratio, frames, data)[source]

Read up to frames worth of data using the callback API.

Returns:frames – Number of frames read or -1 on error.
Return type:int

Release state.

Cleanup all internal allocations.


Return an error number.


Return the description of the converter given by converter_type.


Return the name of the converter given by converter_type.


Return the version string of libsamplerate.


Return True if ratio is a valid conversion ratio, False otherwise.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_new(converter_type, channels)[source]

Initialise a new sample rate converter.

  • converter_type (int) – Converter to be used.
  • channels (int) – Number of channels.

  • state – An anonymous pointer to the internal state of the converter.
  • error (int) – Error code.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_process(state, input_data, output_data, ratio, end_of_input=0)[source]

Standard processing function.

Returns non zero on error.


Reset the internal SRC state.

Does not modify the quality settings. Does not free any memory allocations. Returns non zero on error.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_set_ratio(state, new_ratio)[source]

Set a new SRC ratio.

This allows step responses in the conversion ratio. Returns non zero on error.

samplerate.lowlevel.src_simple(input_data, output_data, ratio, converter_type, channels)[source]

Perform a single conversion from an input buffer to an output buffer.

Simple interface for performing a single conversion from input buffer to output buffer at a fixed conversion ratio. Simple interface does not require initialisation as it can only operate on a single buffer worth of audio.


Convert the error number into a string.